Our approach at Ora dentistry makes All-on-4® dental implants very affordable for patients.
All-on-4® dental implants basically means placing four dental implants in single arch upper or lower and attaching screw retained denture.
Denture is fixed on four dental implants and giving enough stability to chew and enjoy foods like steak, apples which were not easy with regular dentures or missing teeth.
All-on-4® dental implants and denture process starts with consultation with Dr. Dalla and we do offer free CT-Scan and evaluation. After your particular situation, looking at all factors like your medical condition, bone, any other procedures needed or not e formulate a plan for you depending upon your specific needs, sometimes 4 is not enough and we might need to place 5 or 6 dental implants to get proper stability.
But we do charge patients single fees and if we need to place more implants we do that. Average cost of fixed All-on-4® dental implants with fixed zirconia hybrid denture is ranging from 10-15K for single arch.
There are several other options that are available which are more affordable than All-on-4® dental implants but they are snap on dentures, attached to abutments and are called Implant over dentures and they start from anywhere from 5K onwards.
Get your free All-on-4® dental Implants consultation free by calling us at (916) 975-1000.
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2733 Elk Grove Blvd, Suite 180
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Phone: (916) 975-1000
Email: [email protected]
Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm